Preet wrote

<<If Proust implied that when experiencing expression in art, it would be more
fulfilling to replace oneself and people you know as the characters within
the work that they remind you of; do any of y'all regularly do this? >>

Indeed I do. I'm often to be found emptying out the trunk for Marlena or receiving a 
little bit of instant bliss from Yvette.  :0

I think the reason I got into Joni initially was because I could easily put myself in 
her place or that of her characters. She speaks of her own experience but she also 
manages to put into words  other people's experiences and feelings..or at least people 
feel that they can relate to them. She connects with many of us through her words 
whilst others just admire the tunes, which is also fine.

I love Joni most when she tells a story, like 'Yvette' or 'Edith'. I've recently 
started making my own little 'Joni videos'using Windows Media Player. Using the 
soundtrack of a Joni song I can run a little slideshow of pictures or moving images to 
enhance the viewing experience. For instance I have T.I. with a slideshow of my 
favourite Van Gogh paintings and Yvette with photos taken in Paris. It just adds a 
little spice and you can add your own interpretation to the song through images. 

As for Proust..well there was the original 'Sire of Sorrow'.

Take care


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