OK, so here are 20 unforgettable momebts, in no order whatsoever...

1. Duet with Victor on Ashara's deck Friday
2. Having the privilege of puttin' on a harmony with Ashara and ChuckE
3. Greg's rendition of All I Want - the point at which we all really woke
4. Mags and Bri giving me "life" which is something like yech backwards...
5. Dancing with Marcel to Michael Paz doing The Space Between
6. Dancing with Mags and Maggie, and then the quick and hilarious "exit,
stage right" when they realized we were being taped
7. Talking with WallyK on the front steps
8. Snoozing in the church living room and waking to the smell of shrimp on
the barbi
9. Singing with Bob and Victor on Friday
10. Getting lost on the way to the church and getting free lollipops and a
sticker from some nice firemen, then having the courtesy shuttle almost run
us down, and not really daring to look my rear view at Rose's distressed
face (hi Rose!)
11. Claudia's set (thank you SO much for playing!)
12. Kate and Jeff - just incredible! And so amazingly nice too!
13. Amy's performance - and you were going to deprive us?! Talk about deep
14. Sharing the mic with Marilyn on sing-alongs - We HAVE to get you up
there again next year so the rest of the JMDL can hear your lovely music!!!
15. Kakki - I wish we could have talked even longer. That was really heart
to heart. You'll forever be in mine.
16. Yael - so sweet. Catching your smile across the stage on the sing
alongs. You bring so much joy to your music.
17. Stephen from Vancouver - so touched by that final hug. I wish we could
have spent even more time together.
18. Les noticing the Pierre (flawed as it was) during the sound check. Yes,
that was specifically for you. Just wish I'd practiced :-)
19. John Van Tiel - you take my breath away!
20. All the phone calls, the sharing, the excitement, the (wee bit of)
complaining and worry, with Ashara beforehand. What a truly incredible
person. Maybe someday I'll be able to express how special you are to me.

So, this is the first roll of snapshots. As others develop, I'll share them

One thing keeps going through my head - "How can I possible tell all of you
just how much you mean to me?" I need a lifetime of JoniFests, and even then
I'd probably only get started.

lots of love

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