The word that keeps spinning around in my heart and mind is
collaboration.  We all worked so well together, "...everybody was
singing and dancing and sharing and having fun..."  The warmth, and the
welcome is beyond words.

I want to thank Steve Polifka for inviting me to sing along with him,
Claudia for blending her voice so beautifully with mine (singing those
James Taylor songs on the drive to the train station will stay with me
for a long time), Paz for accompanying me on "Way Over Yonder", Chris
Marshall and Victor for the smooth and tight bass playing.  And what can
I say about "My Old Man."  Steve Mixon has a heart as big as the
mountains, and the brains and talent to go along with it.

We're already talking about the songs we want to play next year.  I'm
sure we'll inspire some new friends to sign up along with us.

Ashara, you are such an inspiration!  Steve has already applied for a
high tech job in MA with the hope that we can see you more than once a
year (and continue giving you mandolin lessons!)

Congratulations to Scott and Jody for buying their first New England
home.  We hope to be your neighbors as well.

Gregg, it was a true pleasure to meet a new friend of spirit.  You are
such a genuine person with great guitar chops.  Steve and I listened to
your CD in the car and were blown away by your songwriting.  We hope you
make it out to the Central Valley of California so you can be our guest.

Bob Muller, dancing close and slow with you made me feel like a teenager
again. I look forward to our collaboration next year on "Cool Water,"
and yes, I will convince you to give "Chalk Mark In A Rainstorm" another

Chuck, thank you for inviting me to sing along on "Sweet Bird" and
thanks for Jeff for seamlessly playing along on guitar.  Chuck, next
year Claudia and I have to accompany you on "The Gallery."

Mr. Epstein, such a class act with a beautiful smile.  My gift to you
will be in the mail shortly.  I'm grateful for the time we shared,
please start practicing piano again.

Mr. Van Tiel - a generous soul with a wealth of knowledge and
mischevious grin.  You're just plain lovable.

Wally K., Steve and I talked about how much we enjoyed your set during
the plane ride home, I'll never forget, "Amoeba, it was just a false

Anne, your voice is as sweet and warm as your hugs.  It takes a lot of
courage to be the first performer up on stage, you go girl!

Mags and Brian show us how much fun it is to be in love, I wish there
was more time to spend with you two...

Oh my gawd, it's 7:00am and I have to be at work in an hour.  Real
quickly, Kay, Amy and Alison - I hope we can collaborate on some songs
next year, I loved your singing.  How about "Shadows and Light?"

"Time, where does the time go, I wonder where the time goes..."  It just
seemed that there wasn't enough time to spend with all the people I
wanted to get to know better.

Sorry that we weren't able to properly say good-bye to everyone...

JMDLers rule!


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