So this means you will be there next year, right Sue?  (don't hit me Ashara!!!)


At 04:19 PM 9/4/01 -0400, Suze Cameron wrote:
>I hated reading all these posts the last
>three I can't wait when one
>pops in my mailbox...
>Meeting the wonderful Ashara.  How DO you
>continue this insanity?  Thank you so much
>for opening your heart and home.  What a wonderful partner you have in 
>Sal.  He is a keeper!
>Les Irvin!  Does everyone know what a wonderful guitar player you 
>are?  You blew me away!  You Claud and Alison rocked!  And I though all 
>you did was run our little list!
>Claudia, I absolutely love you!  What genuine joy comes across in your 
>performances.  Can't wait for the CD!
>Anne, you too were incredible.  Your lyrics had me in tears.  Beautiful 
>stuff.  Where
>can I get your CD?  I noticed Ashara had one.
>Gregg, you cool cat you!  The Cagno came,
>saw, and conquered.  What sheer enegry
>and talent.  Your version of "A Case of
>You" with Claud had the tears streaming
>down.  It was brilliant and really touched
>Steve P. on keyboards is to die for!  Did
>anyone outside the midwest know this?  He
>is great and even nicer for allowing this
>no-talent singer to accompany him.  FanfriggingTastic!  I forgot to ask in 
>the airport if you had anymore CDs, 'cuz I need a fix o' Steve!
>Les Ross, I already knew you were brill
>but glad that the rest of the festers
>got a taste.  Sheer drama and the quietest
>moment of that rowdy day!
>Steve and Leslie, I want more!  So glad I
>got to hear you both as our time in NYC was just too short.  Steve is 
>stupendous and
>he brings so much energy to the stage.  Leslie you really nailed the 
>and good for you to take up Maggie's challenge.
>Kay, thanks for my Strange Boy fix.  Geeze,
>that sounded weird, but you know what I mean.  Everyone loved your set!
>Kate and Jeff!  You guys are great!  I need your CD too!  So much soul in 
>your performance.  I love the harmonies you create and your original stuff 
>is wonderful.
>I AM SO NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I know I am missing tons of performers and
>hopefully someone (Bob, Anne?) will post a set list to help me 
>remember.  So much fun and banter and good food that it was hard to keep track.
>Will write more when I have fully digested
>everything that occured.
>Great to meet all of you and wonderful
>to see those who I already knew.
>Saying goodbye was so hard and I know
>I missed a few of you that I really wanted
>to bid farewell to.  :-(
>Thanks again Ashara, Heather, Maggie, Anne,
>Sal, Laurie, and Pippen.
>Get 250 color business cards for FREE!

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