Laurent Olszer wrote:

> On August 30th, Azeem wrote:
> > OK, the claim that Muslims pray with their backs to Jerusalem: the fact is
> > that they face Mecca when they pray, there is no instruction to face AWAY
> > from anywhere.  And if they are in Aden, for example, they will be facing
> > both Jerusalem and Mecca.  The statement is untrue.
> Thumbs up for a terrific demonstration in geography Azeem.
> I would never have thought anybody would nitpick on such a semantic glitch.
> Actually the fact that there is such a "glitch" makes me believe the
> original letter was written by a cultured layman, not by a semantic expert.
> >
> > While I'm at it, the other statement that I immediately raised doubts
> about
> > the list's supposed impartiality was that the Koran does not mention
> > Jerusalem once; while this is true, it is highly disingenuous in its
> > inference.  The Koran only mentions Mecca once, yet nobody would dispute
> that
> > Mecca is the holiest site in Islam.
> I have a letter written by an American Arab journalist, which I will retype
> soon, which states that the Koran mentions Mecca hundreds of times and
> Medina countless times.  But I'm no expert on the Koran myself.
> "..........half-truths and misconceptions are told about the jewish
> race........"
> As everybody knows, Judaism is a religion, not a race.
> Neither Sartre nor Nietsche could define the jewish race, but I'm glad to
> see you had more success.
> Also on August 30th, Colin wrote:
> > One of these posts about why Jews needed their own homeland, because of
> being
> > foreignors everywhere else and treated badly could equally have been
> written about
> > gay people because we too have been universally treated appallingly all
> over the
> > world at all times. It could also be said of people of colour but not so
> > universally.
> Although the analogy is a little farfetched,

And why is that?

> I think you're missing the point.

No I am not.

> For Israel it's a matter of survival, period.  Just look at a map of the
> area and you'll understand.
> The safety zone around major Israeli towns is ridiculously tiny.
> Remember, they're surrounded by over 100 million arabs.

so this justifies killing?

> future generations.
> Did you see the TV shows about Palestinian schools where small children are
> taught hate + martyrdom?

and Israelie's are not? Pull the other one!

You can kid yourself as much as you like that israel is good and right and that
the Palestinians are wicked and wrong. It makes you feel better. People aways
have to rationlise their positons so they can live with their conscience.

I think the whole situation is very very sad with niether side beign good or

Right now here in the UK we have riots in Northern Irelan. CHILDREN are being
harrassed trying to go to school. They are Ctaholic children and they walk thru
a Protestent area to get to their school. This is a primary school so we are
talking 5-11 year olds. This is just so sickening.

> to be continued...
> Laurent

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