In a message dated 05/09/01 09:33:08 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Thumbs up for a terrific demonstration in geography Azeem.
 I would never have thought anybody would nitpick on such a semantic glitch.
 Actually the fact that there is such a "glitch" makes me believe the
 original letter was written by a cultured layman, not by a semantic expert.>>

No thanks for the sneering sarcasm, Laurent, especially as it's diverting 
from a REALLY simple point, which is not a mere semantic glitch, as anyone 
can see.  The claim on this list you posted is that Muslims pray with their 
backs to Jerusalem (like that proves anything anyway) - This claim is a load 
of nonsense.  The geographical reference I put in was merely an illustration 
of the stupidity of the claim, and not an attempt to show off.  I also do not 
claim to be a semantic expert, though if you think I was quibbling over 
semantics you are in any case mistaken.

<< I have a letter written by an American Arab journalist, which I will 
retype soon, which states that the Koran mentions Mecca hundreds of times and 
Medina countless times.  But I'm no expert on the Koran myself. >>

So, some guy writes a letter (or maybe just an editorial from a right-wing 
website) containing (amongst other things) lies about the Koran, and you feel 
fine about sending it to the list under the banner of authoritative comment?  
Anyone checking up the site whose URL I posted a few days ago will see a 
comprehensive and very detailed rebuttal of the "facts" in the list you 
posted originally.  Is it "true"?  I don't know.  What I do know is that I 
wouldn't post it to the list to try to prove my point, at least not unless I 
had more first-hand knowledge.

 "..........half-truths and misconceptions are told about the jewish 
<< As everybody knows, Judaism is a religion, not a race. Neither Sartre nor 
Nietsche could define the jewish race, but I'm glad to see you had more 

Again, can you make a point without this kind of sneering sarcasm?  Being 
Jewish is not just about religion, as you well know - it is also about 
culture, history and tradition.  At least some of the Jewish people I've 
known have been happy to accept that there is a racial/ethnic dimension to 
being Jewish.  My encyclopedia's entry for "Jew" reads as follows:

"A follower of Judaism, the Jewish religion. The term is also used to refer 
to members or supposed members of the ethnic group, who may or may not 
practise the religion or identify with the cultural tradition."
Of course, you have also diverted attention (again) from the very simple 
point I was making, which was this: the fact that lies are told about Jewish 
people does not make it OK for someone else to tell lies about Palestinians, 
or Arabs, or Muslims, or anyone else.

I don't remember seeing your name on the list before, Laurent.  The only 
other time I can remember someone suddenly appearing out of nowhere, without 
any introduction of themselves, and sending a number of highly political 
posts to the list, was when "J Galt" was at large some months back.  Are any 
other listers getting a sense of deja vu?


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