<<--Chris (still coming to terms with gaining so many friends, then saying goodbye)>>

Like I told you when I left, you were one of the brightest stars of this fest for me, 
along with Mr. Ross. Both of you are so sincerely kind and talented.

I'll always remember watching you play the bass parts to "Coyote" & "DJRD" in Ashara's 
music room on Monday in amazement, like Jaco's spirit was in the room.

And your fine tech work, like the webcam thingies (Alison forced me to record my 
clip), and recording the coveted "Ganja Demos" which we soon found out were probably 
better left as a memory! :~D

I appreciate the effort you made to make this fest so memorable for me. Saying goodbye 
was tough.


NP: Elvis Costello/Steve Nieve, "Long Honeymoon" (live)

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