All these reports from the fest are a pleasure to read. It gives this
no-goer some idea of what it felt like to be there (and get there and
leave there). Thanks very much everyone!!! 

Chris, these video peeks are a great idea! I haven't been able to view
one yet, though. I downloaded the smallest file and when I tried to look
at it in RealPlayer on my Mac just got a message I needed to download
something else from RealPlayer, which I did, but then kept getting that
same message. Very peculiar. I don't know if it's something that needs
fixing on my end since RealPlayer has worked ok before (but not always)
or if it's something to do with that particular file. 

I'm intrigued by the titles you've given the "segments", so I hope
they're seeable soon. 

Has anyone else been able to view them?

Debra Shea

Chris Marshall wrote:
> I have the videos up on line from Monday (was it?) where I had
> the camera set up in the porch.
> They're all here:-
> Be warned: they're quite large and bandwidth intensive.
> Have fun,
> --Chris (still coming to terms with gaining so many friends, then
> saying goodbye)

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