Also on August 30th, Colin wrote:
> >
> > > One of these posts about why Jews needed their own homeland, because
> > being
> > > foreignors everywhere else and treated badly could equally have been
> > written about
> > > gay people because we too have been universally treated appallingly
> > over the
> > > world at all times. It could also be said of people of colour but not
> > > universally.
> >
> > Although the analogy is a little farfetched,
> And why is that?

Well, Colin, after discussing it with my wife, we came to the conclusion
that the analogy was NOT farfetched after all.  Being victimized because one
is part of a group, which means the denial of the individual's own deeds,
makes for a perfect analogy.  Thank you for this good point Colin.

> > For Israel it's a matter of survival, period.  Just look at a map of the
> > area and you'll understand.
> > The safety zone around major Israeli towns is ridiculously tiny.
> > Remember, they're surrounded by over 100 million arabs.
> so this justifies killing?
I'm trying to say that first there is not that much killing going on.  The
numbers are relatively small considering the modern weapons that are
Second, the killing of children wouldn't happen if parents kept their kids
at home and not encourage them to throw rocks at soldiers.
Third, whatever killings do happen, are the result of self-defense, either
from the Israeli teenage soldier viewpoint (just picture yourself surrounded
by an angry mob and see how long your nerves of steel will hold)
or from the state standpoint.
Just in this week's Time magazine, there's an article which happens to
mention that the country is 13 km wide (8 miles) in its center.  Can't you
see the vital threat there?

Of course there are slip ups, nobody's perfect and Israelis are humans too.
Nobody can approve those.  Nevertheless if the world stopped looking at
Israel through a magnyfying glass they would look at the other millions of
people who are being slaughtered by governments worldwide, to this day,
without much fuss being made by the media beause nobody cares.

> Right now here in the UK we have riots in Northern Irelan. CHILDREN are
> harrassed trying to go to school. They are Ctaholic children and they walk
> a Protestent area to get to their school. This is a primary school so we
> talking 5-11 year olds. This is just so sickening.
I tell you what, I won't make any comment about Ireland because I don't know
this topic so I'll keep my mouth shut.

> > Laurent

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