> Well, Colin, after discussing it with my wife, we came to the conclusion
> that the analogy was NOT farfetched after all.  Being victimized because one
> is part of a group, which means the denial of the individual's own deeds,
> makes for a perfect analogy.  Thank you for this good point Colin.

I am glad.

> I'm trying to say that first there is not that much killing going on.

one is too many

> The
> numbers are relatively small considering the modern weapons that are
> available.
> Second, the killing of children wouldn't happen if parents kept their kids
> at home and not encourage them to throw rocks at soldiers.

this is an appalling justification. Blame the victim, which is very common.

>   Nevertheless if the world stopped looking at
> Israel through a magnyfying glass they would look at the other millions of
> people who are being slaughtered by governments worldwide, to this day,
> without much fuss being made by the media beause nobody cares.

The reason the Middle East is so publicised is beause of oil and nothing else.

Also, here at any rate, we do get much news about eslewhere-Indonesia,
China-Tibet, Afghanistan, South America, Africa. It goes on all over and we here
about it. Like I have already said, the middle eats gets more attention because
of the oil.

It seems to me that you are loyal to your country(Iassume you live there) and
that is fine. However, trying to paint Israel  as righteous  and a victim of
lies and misrepresentauion etc will not work with me.
I abhor violence and mindless rigidy of thinking.
I learned a long time ago that trying to change the views of a fundametalist is
a waste of time. I use that term, p[robably wrongly, to describe those whose
views are based soley on their conviction that their own view oif things is the
only view that is right.

> .
> > Right now here in the UK we have riots in Northern Irelan. CHILDREN are
> being
> > harrassed trying to go to school. They are Ctaholic children and they walk
> thru
> > a Protestent area to get to their school. This is a primary school so we
> are
> > talking 5-11 year olds. This is just so sickening.
> >
> I tell you what, I won't make any comment about Ireland because I don't know
> this topic so I'll keep my mouth shut.
> >
> > > Laurent

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