- --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
     > I believe the word for "morning" in German (and
     > possibly other languages) is 
     > "morgen."
     >                    DAVID 
     > LAHM


>    It is - Guten Morgen means Good morning.  Morgenstern
>    means morning star; and so on...
>    Get your free @yahoo.ca address at http://mail.yahoo.ca

Not only that but morgen also means 'tomorrow' in German, but I think they
have different genders (it's the same in spanish isn't it?  el manana / la
manana - sorry, can't do the tilda thing over the n!).  

I can't remember the original post, but if we are reading german sub-texts
into this song, then surely this must be another case of Joni's duality,
but I think I'm stretching it a bit :-)


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