This has to be the first time you've advocated "therapy", Marcel.  :)

Anyway, turning to the group now, I'll say that if this guy Marcel was a
song by Ann and Nancy Wilson, he'd be "Dog and Butterfly".  His "dog" side
types.  His "butterfly" side listens and plays and sings.

Somewhere around here I have a new picture of Marcel's butterfly side.  He
definitely goes into a zone and, I found out in Nawlins, he doesn't need
food or drink or anything else for hours at a time.

BTW, let's remember to label our Topsfield stuff as NJC so as not to disturb
the Joni-onlies.


ps- md- that picture I took at night, in the parking lot at May's?
Remember?  You thought my flash didn't fire?  It's perfectly exposed.  There
was lots of light in that parking lot and everyone looks happy.

>>>>   [md] said,
Subject: Re: My Topsfield Review ( a warning)
I discovered that when I went to new orleans it was really great therapy to
sit down and do a lengthy review of the entire trip. You simply cant drop a
fest "cold turkey". For those of you feeling the withdrawals I highly
recommend it. Its like it must be at AA meetings or something.  So I hope
you will all indulge me in letting me post a very long review. Its going to
be about 5 or six parts like the New Orleans report was because AOL wont
take real long pieces. So for those of you on the list who think Imp always
full of beans about everything simply don't read them. Please. They will be
posted tomorrow. I include a complete semi detailed review of the fest
musical events.   Marcel Destin

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