Thank you, Yael. I just signed onto this list today, so this is my "virgin"
posting... - what a pleasant surprise to read your kind words. I,too,
enjoyed our fleeting conversations and look forward to getting to know you
better. I have family in Michigan, so perhaps we can get together and sing
sometime out there. You have a beautiful energy and presence that filled the
room, and I loved the songs that you shared as well. Thanks to everyone who
participated in this magnificent gathering, especially Ashara and Les Irvin
for all the work they do behind the scenes to make things happen in a good
way. Thank you Gregg for sharing your musical gifts and for your was a joy and an honor to sing Circle Game with you.
As a newbie, I felt intimidated about singing among so much talent, and yet
there was so much love and support in that room, my fears gave way to
courage. For all of you out there that sing quietly in your homes, without
sharing your voices and songs publicly, I strongly encourage you to come to
Jonifest next year and take the risk of sharing your music, whatever it is.
Every voice/musician has a gift and adds to the fabric of the experience we
are creating together. It is a leap of faith, but I believe you will
discover your wings...
Thank you all for your songs, your presence, your laughter and your love.