Amy is so right & I just want to add something that I have been thinking
about. There was a ton of talent at this years Jonifest. I don't know if
many of you perform regularly in your area but if not you REALLY should be!
It is a wonderful way to meet kindred musical spirits. Check around for open
mics in your area & go regularly if you aren't already. If anyone needs help
finding an open mic in there area let me know...I am in touch with lots of
musicians all over the world & can help you find something in your area.
Maybe some of you are doing this already...its just that I heard so many
incredibly talented people that should be sharing there wonderful gifts with
the world....

Amy wrote:

For all of you out there that sing quietly in your homes, without
sharing your voices and songs publicly, I strongly encourage you to come to
Jonifest next year and take the risk of sharing your music, whatever it is.
Every voice/musician has a gift and adds to the fabric of the experience we
are creating together.  It is a leap of faith, but I believe you will
discover your wings...
Kate Bennett
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