Fabulous reports, Marcel - (gee how can I follow THAT? ;-)

I am still recovering from last weekend and the experience was so
overwhelming that it has been impossible to put everything I want to into
words.  So many of you have already expressed my exact thoughts and
feelings, thankfully!

First I want to thank Ashara, Sal, Anne, Maggie, Heather and ChuckE so much
for all the amazing amount of work and planning that went into putting this
together.  It was a huge undertaking this year and you all pulled it off
beautifully and perfectly.  I was stunned upon my arrival Friday night
amidst an already sizeable and growing crowd to be warmly greeted by Sal and
Ashara and given beautiful birthday presents, no less (yes, of course they
were martini related!).  That was so sweet and thoughtful of you -thank you

After saying hello to my old buddies, I was so excited to meet so many in
person whose friendship I'd shared only in email or whose posts I'd read for
so long and always wondered if we'd ever meet.  So many songs, martinis and
cigarettes later, we closed the first night at almost dawn and that
continued as the established pattern for the next several days.  Jonifest is
ground zero of that Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole, doncha know.

The event at the church the next day was truly astounding.  For those of you
who remember some of the gasping reams of posts after Pazfest last year, let
me tell you that this one was right up there - maybe those magic spirits in
New Orleans have come to merge with the ones in Topsfield.  The music from
everyone was SURREALLY beautiful and you'll just have to get the CD because
I can't even begin to do it justice to describe it here.  It goes beyond
people being professional or gifted - there was another dimension on top of
that just went right through your heart and soul at a constant pace for the
entire 11 or so hours.  Some people had collborated a bit with each other in
the past and so they were even more connected this year.  Others had never
collaborated before and yet it all fell perfectly into place. All through
the day and night people had tears in their eyes from the beauty of it all.

The nights of music late at Ashara's were also incredible and magical.  Yes,
indeed even the Jamaican Joni Reggae Mon band was fabulous!  I'm not kidding
and I really think a few of the renditions should go on a covers volume at
some point!

The people - oh dear, I want to mention everyone and there were SO many this
year - please forgive me if I forget someone!
Maybe I'll group them a little here -

Leslie & Steve Mixon and Kate and Jeff - I was so glad the Mixon's were able
to make it after all and was so stoked that my SoCal neighbors Jeff and Kate
could be there, too.  The presences of all of you enriched the fest on so
many levels - thank you for all you brought to it.  The music you all put
together - oh my my my.

Chris Marshall, Les Ross and Willy the Shake - Ever since I heard that we
were finally going to have some of the group from the U.K. attend I'd been
like a little kid impatiently waiting for Christmas day to arrive - so
excited!  You know so many of us would love if you lived a little closer and
it was just so wonderful that you all made the trip over.  You are all
devastatingly sweet and talented and I never wanted to say goodbye to you.

Kerry and Steve Polifka - it was wonderful to meet Kerry and to see dear
Steve again!  Steve, you were absolutely awesome and full of energy and
sweetness.  Kerry - thank you again for the Willy Porter CD - gee, you sure
know how to pick 'em for me!  He's incredible - like a combination of
Crosby, Seal, McGuinn, CPR and even a bit of Gregg Cagno! Lawdy.

Smurphy and Jimmy - What can I say - I love you guys - you are so fun and
funny and just classics!  Thanks for the smiles and choking laughter.  And
Jimmy I'll let you pull MY hair out next time, o.k.? ;-)

Donna and Sharon - it seemed to me like both of you had always been regulars
at the fests from way back, like I'd always known you.  Donna - you are so
friendly and fun - thanks for bringing that huge Texas spirit up with you.
You kept it a secret that you are a singer in a stomping band until we got
to Atty Mays - I'm so glad you finally decided to play for us there!
Sharon, you are so warm and sweet!  Thanks for handling the raffle tables.
I jettisoned a lot when packing to come back but I treated that little Honey
Bear like priceless china coming back and he is now safely sitting in the
front row of my refrigerator!

Susan Guzzi and Suze Cameron - it was great to meet you, Susan, and share a
martini or few and the back deck with you!  Suze, you are still as witty as
ever - I think you and Smurph need to start collborating professionally ;-)
Glad you made it east this year.

Gregg Cagno - Holy Feck!  Oh jeez, what an incredible surprise you were for
all of us!  Thank you for the CD - I played it nonstop for the next two days
and I swear even my mosquitos bites finally calmed down.  You are amazing
and I love your music.  Thank you for being there and please shout out more
loudly the next time you appear in L.A.

Amy - friend of Ashara's - I'm so glad you are now on the list and about
time! You blew us all away with your music!

Russ Bowden - guess we had to go 2,500 miles to finally meet!  You've always
been such a sweet friend to me, but I had no idea about your musical
background until I read Marcel's posts.  Now they tell us!  Please don't be
shy the next time.  Hope to see you again soon on "our" coast.

On to part dos......

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