Well, it's been a week since Jonifest, and now that I've fully digested all 
the goings on of that weekend: Here goes....

Laurie Stewart-  The first person I met of course..you picked me up!!! And 
thank goodness you did!!! otherwise I would have been lost and alone in the 
big city!!!  Thanks for sacrificing a 3 day weekend to be our chauffer!

Mags and Brian- The best welcoming committee one could ever ask for.  You were 
there when I first arrived and didn't know what to do.  Thanks for always 
being friendly and open.

Ashara Stansfield-What an inspiration you are to me!!! Its hell just planning 
a dinner party for me, how you organized a 3 day party is beyond me.  On top 
of all that, you managed to perform a beautiful Spanish? song and deal with 
family crises at the same time.  I can tell you are one of those women I 
aspire to be who has the family, the music, and the organization skills.  If 
you ever need anything when you come to Denver, just let me know.

Mr. Bob Muller- Wow, I'm so glad you encouraged me to come.  It was great to 
finally meet you in person and see the face behind the lightning fast e-mail 
responses.  On top of all this, your charming personality makes you a 
wonderful emcee.

Yael- I too am so sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye.  In you I found a 
kindred Toriphile.  I had such a good time talking to you and listening to 
your performance.  We must keep in touch!!!

Gregg Cagno- I love your version of All I Want...you made me feel exactly like 
Joni does when I'm driving down an open stretch of highway and the world lies 
before me. What great stage prescence and energy you possess.  Plus..thanks 
for letting me pick your brain about your music industry history/experience.

John Van Tiel- What a kind, generous spirit you are.  From the very beginning 
you made yourself known with your chocolate, your cheese, (what else could a 
woman want?) and your pictures.

Claudia- Sorry I didn't get to talk to you as much as I would have liked, but 
from just looking at you I can see this ethereal inner beauty.  I'm  sure this 
stems from who you are but also from the fact that you are completely in love.
 Happiness just oozes from your pores.  And how could I forget those 
performances...you are truly an accomplished musician.

Rose- What a great roomate you were and thanks thanks for all the rides in 
your vehicle.  Sorry to hear about your recent troubles, but in my own 
experiences I have found that times of suffering have made all the joys that 
much sweeter.  I know this is so easy for me to say, but as Joseph Campbell 
says, The meaning of life is suffering, and without it where would our 
strength of character come from?

Less Ross- A magnetic stage prescence if ever there was one.  I had a great 
time hanging with you that first night in Ashara's dining room.

Willy the Shake- I see true passion in your playing.  You just close your eyes 
and its you and your guitar and a voice that sings from the bottom of your 
soul.  Plus there's a hidden encyclopedia of Joni music in that brain of 
yours...aaahhh...nothing like true dedication.

Steve Polifka- Well, I think both of us realized we have different skills at 
the piano and the wonderful thing is we appreciate each other for them.  Its 
pure bliss for you when you play..i can tell.

Patrick- Your funny jokes and witicisms had me laughing the whole time.  So 
tell me where is that Tori/Joni/Tear In Your Hand/Case of You comparison you 
were talking about.  I would love to read it, and no I will never forget...I'm 
an obsessed Tori fan.

Jeff- Oh, I can tell you really love Joni, and how inspired you are by her.  I 
think you're an awesome guitar player.  I get the feeling that what you do are 
exact transcriptions from recordings which is awesome considering you are 
listening 'through' her vocals.

Kay Ashley- Wonderful performance, wonderful original songs, and a wonderful 

Jim L.- A welcoming and giving soul.  Climbing ladders, rushing to film stores 
all in pursuit of the perfect photo opp.  So maybe you didn't perform this 
year, but its clear that you have a true love in photography.

Alison- Great roommate, you also made me feel very welcome.

Maggie- Incredible organizational skills!!!  But also a person who took the 
time to answer questions, point me in the right direction, and cook wonderful 
food.  Thanks so much.

Kate Bennett and Jeff-  Tremendously enjoyed listening to the two of you.  How 
lucky you both are to share a mutual love of music AND Joni!!!

Victor- Most prolific composer, you really have a knack for it!!! Fun to hear 
the intimate performances between you, Kate, and Jeff on Sunday night.

Paz-Hey there, how could I have performed without your keyboard?  Thanks for 
bringing it and playing Past the Mission.

Les I. - Well, you know I have to say it...Without you where would we all be?  
Don't ever underestimate the power of what you or one person can do!  So you 
started this JMDL list thing, but it brought such wonderful people together 
who value and cherish each other.  So nice to know there is another Joni fan 
in Colorado (hmmm...we must be the only ones.) There is a great musician 
lurking inside you, one of these days its going to bust out and hog the 
Belleville Church stage.

Well, everyone, for a newbie and a lurker, I had a great time.  Jonifest was 
definitely more than I expected it to be.  For any of you that I missed 
thanking, well, thank you. As a person majoring in music it was awesome to go 
someplace where I could express myself without cringing inside every time I 
performed waiting for the axe to fall as the criticisms came flying.  There 
was no criticism, just acceptance and love and it was so refreshing.  I lose 
sight of that so often in my quest to be the best.  But for now, its back to 
lurkdom and competition while I finish one more year at school.  Thanks for so 
many great memories, and I hope to be back next year.


"Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they 
were going to be." -Joseph Campbell

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