My apologies to the jmdlers (and everyone else) re: the earthquake in SoCal.  
Good thing I was only half kidding. :-/  The killings do continue to go on -- 
another family found dead right here in SF this morning.  It's becoming a 
daily thing.  Is it a local phenom? -- I know they happen all the time 
everywhere, but this recent spate up here has me more than usually unnerved.  
It's probably just overreporting, like the sharkbite thing this summer.

If Joni wrote Sex Kills now, she'd have to include mad cow and west nile et 
al.  At least happiness is the best facelift.

If you like cosmology spiced with philosophy, I recommend Chaos and Harmony 
by Trinh Xuan Thuan.  Cheered me up for some reason.

Peace (please!!),


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