Chris wrote:

> If you'd met Debra, or Colin, you'd know that they're 
> nice genuine people, who aren't out to hurt or offend
> anyone.  They may well be out to defend their own views
> or right to expression, but not the the detriment, offence,
> and persecution of others. 

Chris, THANK YOU for expressing what I just don't have the time or patience 
to do right now with my brother being so ill. I am absolutely heartsick that 
some people I really care for did not feel they could attend the fest because 
of you, Marcel. 

I have never had anything but positive interactions with you, and that is the 
side I know from a personal standpoint. However, I cannot sit back and say 
that your continue rude and insulting posts to others don't bother me. They 
do. Very, very much. I have no room in my understanding why someone who is 
*able* to be kind chooses not to. It *is* a choice. For whatever reason, you 
have chosen to be very civil and nice to me. Of course, we will not always 
agree with each other here, but I believe every single person on this list 
deserves respect and kindness. PLEASE Marcel, stop the insulting and nasty 
remarks. Frankly, it doesn't accomplish anything except to make *you* look 
bad. I invite you to let the list see the side I have seen of you, and let 
the "insulting side" go.

In the spirit of peace,

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