<<Thank you for the sensitivity and sincerity of this apology.  >>

I can only echo what Julius said in his typically eloquent fashion. Debra, when I read 
your original post, I knew immediately that it came from the depths of emotional and 
physical exhaustion that I will hopefully never know. I knew that you would sense the 
cruelty of your words, and I knew that you would apologize in a non-condescending and 
unpatronizing way.

What more can I say about my admiration and (macho butch) love for Michael Paz? I 
actually called him last night, which doesn't sound like a big deal but how many 
JMDLer's have ever gotten phone calls from me? Not many as I'm such a cheap bastard! 
But I felt Michael hurting, and I had to deal with that. I hope now I can feel the 
grace and healing doing its job. 


NP: Patricia Barber, "I Fall in Love Too Easily"

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