Thank you for posting this. I'm sure that those of you who read Gordon 
Sinclair's tribute to the US will infer from its content that it isn't a 
current editorial. Just to clarify: Gordon Sinclair (1900-1984) delivered 
this broadcast from Toronto on June 5, 1973, as the US was withdrawing from 
Vietnam. It was later printed in the US Congressional Record.
Sinclair was a crusty old goat who never prevaricated when it came to 
expressing his opinion, so it can be assumed that he meant every word he 
said. Like it or not, there was no pandering going on in this broadcast!
His words mean a lot to me today as a Canadian: obviously because evidence 
seems to be mounting that Canada's relaxed (or negligent) security and 
misguidedly tolerant policies may have contributed to this carnage (reports 
indicate that over 100 associates of bin Laden - and others - are in Canada, 
and that the RCMP knows about and monitors them). Citizens of both Canada 
and the US will have to live with tighter security precautions, probably for 
the rest of our lives.
But his words also mean a lot because of the ungenerous, spiteful, 
'Big-Bully-America-Had-It-Coming' tone of so many letters my fellow 
Canadians have seen fit to write to our newspapers today. I knew we could be 
provincial and smug, but I never knew we could be so mean- and 
I'm probably too emotional right now to write rationally about this, but 
when I read those letters, I was, for the first time in my life, ashamed of 

I'll stop now. My thoughts are with all our NYC listers who lived and 
continue to live through this, and to everybody around the world who lost 
loved ones.

love from Roberto

> > >>  America: The Good Neighbor.
> > >>
> > >>  Widespread but only partial news coverage was given
> > >>  recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from
> > >>  Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television
> > >>  commentator. What follows is the full text of his
> > >> trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>  "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for
> > >> the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least
> > >> appreciated people on all the earth.

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