You have just received a virtual postcard from Nuriel Tobias!

You can pick up your postcard at the following web address:

If you can't click on the web address above, you can also
visit 1001 Postcards at
and enter your pickup code, which is: a95-waist-called-jmdl

(Your postcard will be available for 60 days.)

Oh -- and if you'd like to reply with a postcard,
you can do so by visiting this web address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Or you can simply click the "reply to this postcard"
button beneath your postcard!)

We hope you enjoy your postcard, and if you do,
please take a moment to send a few yourself!

1001 Postcards

P.S. If you're happy with our service, let us know by
making a donation to help us pay our server hosting costs!
Please visit our donation page at!

Introducing the 1001 Postcards weekly newsletter!
Click here to subscribe for free to 'Greetings from Marty & Alice':[EMAIL PROTECTED]

And in case you were wondering...

1. This is a free service!

2. We don't sell email addresses to anyone!

3. You can find a printable version of your
   postcard at this web address:

4. We like it when people tell us what they
   like about the service!  And constructive
   criticism too, just not as much. :)

5. If you need help with your postcard,
   contact the 1001 Post Office at
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], and we'll try to help!

6. We accept donations!  Just visit our
   donation page at

7. We're supported by our advertisers!
   If you'd like to help keep us going,
   check out the various sponsorship
   buttons on our site, and visit any
   you find interesting!

8. We hope you have a smurfy day!


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