The silence involved evrybody-traffic stopping, people in the streets
stopped and hunga heads etc. Moving.

Catherine McKay wrote:

> We had three minutes' silence today too.  I'm not sure
> if that was just Toronto, or the province of Ontario,
> or the whole country.  It was at 12:20 p.m. EST - i
> don't know why they came up with that time.  I haven't
> been reading the newspapers or watching TV at all
> since this happened.  I shut the door to my office and
> closed my eyes and concentrated on healing.
> --- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Right now there is a Service of Rememberance going
> > on in St Paul's
> > Cathedral.
> > There was a countrywide 3 mins silence at 11am.
> >
> > ROI have closed all there shops, schools and
> > business for the whole day.
> >
> > The 3 mins silence was Europe wide.
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