During my lunch break yesterday, I was sitting outside to
catch some air from the aftermath of this week and when I
was finished, walked up through one of the side buildings.
I saw everyone huddled together in the front, in a little
hallway ... and at first it scared me...there was absolute
silence. I looked at the front door to see a hand made sign
"three minutes silence" and that was all it took to open up
the well of tears for me.

Yesterday, our PM Jean Chretien declared a national day of
mourning, the fourth in our entire history. American flags
are flying everywhere, including hanging in the windows of
Fortinos where we do groceries. The solidarity is so
moving. The open support of our American neighbours is
encouraging. I continue to pray for peace and for that
peace to find its way into the hearts of our Joni family as

Catherine, I know what you mean about the sound of planes
or any noises. We've heard things that resemble gun shots
here and it has been so stressful. I drive down the street
and when stopped at the lights, I notice tall buildings. I
try to imagine. Then I realize I can never fully imagine.
When I see the images on the front page of the newspaper in
colour, it confirms that. I look inside and see a black and
white image of a young firefighter in full gear, covered in
soot , a tender portrait of him with eyes closed, head
leaning on hand, asleep. Resting . It broke my heart. That
picture said so much. And then there are the images of
ground zero. Terrifying. The overwhelming images still
cannot find their way inside me to a place of believing
this really happened. It sickens me to know that it is all
true. Im so sorry we are all facing this.

I must say how touched and grateful I am to everyone for
writing and sharing their experiences . I have learned so
much from you.

the road is long.

love, Mags.
Catherine McKay wrote:

> We had three minutes' silence today too.  I'm not sure
> if that was just Toronto, or the province of Ontario,
> or the whole country.  It was at 12:20 p.m. EST - i
> don't know why they came up with that time.  I haven't
> been reading the newspapers or watching TV at all
> since this happened.  I shut the door to my office and
> closed my eyes and concentrated on healing.
> --- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Right now there is a Service of Rememberance going
> > on in St Paul's
> > Cathedral.
> > There was a countrywide 3 mins silence at 11am.
> >
> > ROI have closed all there shops, schools and
> > business for the whole day.
> >
> > The 3 mins silence was Europe wide.
> Get your free @yahoo.ca address at http://mail.yahoo.ca

And this loving is a drawing close,
a tuning in, an opening.
Until one perfect moment;
but how can it be expressed?
A receiving, an enfolding
as I cradle you in my arms.
Within my heart, within my soul,
You are my true love.

     --Lui Collins


                 / /\_,

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