friday, many of us were moved by the national service...i know i was...
but, like all national services, i think
its possible to go deeper...
...i thought therefore for this purpose,
being a believer in the value of history,
i might offer a link to a message by
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, from the early
sixties... york was his home...america his
country...he wan't perfect...he had irish
bombast and melodrama...but he exposed the fraudulent among his colleagues
when it was there...he was honest in big matters...when equivocation is too
often the political way...
...and he loved people...and maybe more significantly, he liked them...
when i heard him at this site again, i found myself less afraid and anxious
about the recent event, it being placed in the context of a far deeper drama
and a deeper struggle...
...he and his message was very popular in an ecumenical sense...
...could he be heard today?...
i think he speaks of a time when perhaps more thought and energy was given to
the notion that we are called to serve our neighbour, with all we've got, even
when it is costly...
...if anyone appreciates this message about love, then let me know...
(requires real audio)


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