>From the Reverend Perry, a former friend and speech writer for Jerry

P R E S S   R E L E A S E
September 14, 2001

Statement by The Rev. Troy D. Perry
Founder and Moderator
Metropolitan Community Churches

                 A Response To The Rev. Jerry Falwell

While many will understandably feel anger toward Jerry Falwell for his
outrageous and callous remarks that gays and lesbians, feminists and
the supporters of women's rights are responsible for the climate leading

to the terrorist attacks this week, I am today feeling a great sense of

I am saddened that on this day devoted to prayer and remembrance
and healing, Jerry Falwell has once again uttered untrue and hurtful
words that inflame people and which divide, rather than bring us

The truth is that for many, many years, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and
transgendered persons have been the targets -- not the perpetrators --
of hatred, attacks, rejection, and bashings. For Jerry Falwell to
demonize LGBT people is morally wrong.

As an openly gay minister, I take special exception to Jerry Falwell's
comments. As LGBT people, we have known far too often what it is to be
attacked. In fact, more than 30 of our predominantly gay Metropolitan
Community Churches have been the targets of the hate crimes of arson
and firebombing.

One of our own MCC members who worked in the World Trade Center
is today in the hospital with severe burns, and unconscious. We ask for
the prayers of all people of goodwill for her recovery, and for her
children during this time. Another MCC member, a police officer, is
working 12 hours days in the midst of the rubble -- and then
when his shift is over. And still another MCC member who worked in the
World Trade Center has lost scores of friends and coworkers, and is
also serving as a volunteer on the scene.

Mr. Falwell should know that the response of the gay community has
been one of love and sacrifice and giving. Our MCC churches around
the world have joined with the LGBT community to offer prayer vigils,
and to collect funds and supplies for the Red Cross and other groups
serving the victims of this tragedy.

For a long time, I've listened to Jerry Falwell tell gay people to
Today, I'm calling on Jerry Falwell to repent -- and to repudiate his
cruel and untrue attack on the gay community.

The Rev. Troy D. Perry
Office of the Moderator
Metropolitan Community Churches

                                 (  E N D  )

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