Sometimes the best antidote for tough times is to hang with a JMDL'er. So it 
was with great joy that I welcomed Victor who came up to visit with me last 
night. He was on his way to Lake Hartwell from his new abode in Athens, GA, 
and came up early for a visit.
We went to our favorite nearby pizza joint and had a yummy Greek Vegetarian 
pizza, and a couple pitchers of Killian's. Then it was back to my house where 
Victor entertained my wife and me with some music. Valerie is a Nick Drake 
fan, so she really liked Victor's Drake songs, and I commented that Victor 
had the ability to channel the spirit of whoever he was playing. When she 
gave me a look like I was nuts, I just said "Victor, play some Neil Young", 
and Victor proceeded to play "Old Man", "Needle and the Damage Done", & 
"After The Gold Rush". Tremendous set, and my wife was in disbelief! She said 
it was like having Neil in our living room.

The musical highlight for me was that I was the FIRST to hear Victor's newest 
song, "Parsonage Lane", about Jonifest. He shared the lyrics here not too 
long ago. A very pretty song, I commented that the chords sounded a lot like 
Joni's "A Melody In Your Name",which Victor had never heard, so we listened 
to a little Joni, played some more, and called it a night. Victor woke up 
early, looking for something in my home to play; the microwave, cooking 
utensils, etc. So to divert him, I made us a big breakfast and we spent a 
relaxing morning listening to Joni covers. Victor said that I converted him! 
Cool! He then took off and headed for the lake.

Ashara, I don't see why you make such a big to-do over throwing these 
Jonifests. Nothing to it! :~D

Thanks to Victor for being a great guest and filling our house with music and 
his gentle spirit. it was a nice way to wind down the week.

Love & Peace to you all from sunny SC,

NP: Tom Waits, "In Between Love"

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