Hi people,

There were a couple of posts about this film, what seems like years ago.  
Anyway, I paid my fiver this evening, and found myself walking out after 
about an hour.  This a chap who has NEVER walked out of a cinema before the 
end of a film, and believe me I've seen some mangy celluloid dogs in my time 
(principal exhibits would include Sliver, Pret A Porter, Even Cowgirls Get 
The Blues, one of the Police Academy sequels, and a French film about an 
elevator that killed people).  With the time honoured caveat of IMHO, this is 
what I thought... [reading it back, oh dear!  It's un peu over the top, but 
hey, so's the wretched movie]

There's a song on Catatonia's new album called Is Everybody Here On Drugs? - 
and that's what I had to ask about this film.  It's like being hit over the 
head with a Jeff Koons catalogue while being force-fed speed.  The sets are 
so garish that I got a headache; the acting is hammy beyond belief; the 
dialogue is variously overcooked and bathetic; the cartoonish sound effects 
are baffling (whooshing sounds when people turn their heads!); the relentless 
speed of the editing make the average pop video look like a televised debate 
in the House of Lords; the camera work screams "look at me! Look at me!" - as 
does Nicole Kidman's performance.

And as to the much discussed anachronistic use of rock songs, for me it 
failed at virtually level.  The songs were repeated ad nauseam (I could put 
up with Elton John's Your Song once, but three times??  And I was less than 
halfway through the film!), and the set pieces would have Busby Berkley 
spinning in his grave.  Michael J Fox doing Johnny B Goode in Back to the 
Future said it so much better.

I loved Baz Luhrman's first two films (Strictly Ballroom and Romeo & Juliet); 
I simply couldn't bear to sit and watch this to the end, especially as we are 
told at the start what happens at the end!

Still, it's an extraordinary film, and made with undoubted chutzpah, so maybe 
others will react in the opposite way to me.  I'd be fascinated to know, 

With thumbs in the downward position...


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