--- Kakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think people need to take the media to task for
> some of this.  For years
> now CNN and other outlets have put these clowns on
> as some sort of "voice of
> the Christian right."   This is all calculated and
> utter bullshit.  They
> know these clowns are not representive of most any
> real Christian voice 

I totally agree.  These people aren't Christian at
all.  They are extremely repressed, hateful and
ridiculous and why anyone would quote them, rather
than sending them for a psychiatric evaluation as
posing a danger to themselves but mostly to others, is
beyond me.  I'm really surprised that they continue to
get any support at all, much less media coverage. Most
people who talk the way they do can be seen on street
corners yelling that the end is near and carrying
picket signs with bible mis-quotes in purple crayon.
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