Firstly I want to apologise to everyone especially Les Irwin,  that I have
contributed to prolonging the unpleasantness,   especially at this time in
our world.    I hope you can forgive me but I want to respond to Pat.

Sometimes we need to be careful in our choice of words.  To include the word
"rapist" in a description of a man seems to me to be unnecessarily hurtful.
(Note:  I am talking about the meaning of that word as it is universally
understood and all the violent and sexual overtones implied therein).   Your
repetition of it when the man in question had already been expelled from the
list seemed very mean spirited indeed.    Rape is an emotive word and has
only one common meaning in our society  Placing the word "cyber" in front
lessens it only marginally.  It's use in this context devalues it's true
meaning and the terror of the actual crime.    If you know anyone who has
been a victim, ask them.  I guarantee that they will tell you that the
horror of it in no way compares with email abuse or harassment.

Marcel was not a particular friend (or enemy for that matter) of mine
although he sent a few offlists.   His stuff was long and life is short, so
I mostly deleted him.  His behaviour was despicable and I feel guilt for not
condemning him.  Debra was supported by better people than me. .

Finally,  the use of the word "Dear" is common in written communication
between strangers and I used it on that occasion to convey courtesy to you,
given the starkness of my request.   Feel free to reply to me offlist if you
wish.   I would extend the hand of friendship to you any time.


NP  Lemon Jelly -  KY

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: JMDL Digest V2001 #406

> philip,
> 1.  i'm not your dear.
> 2.  it is self centered to view this list from the first person singular.
> sent you nothing.  my thoughts were shared in support of those who have
> bullied by marcel.  i don't know you and i certainly did not send YOU
> anything.  it is very possible philip, that your expericence alone is not
> only experience.  learn to look away.  learn to let others share their
> experiences.
> 3.  you did send me copied me directly.  please do not
> send me anything direct again.
> pat
> > - ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > > 1.  marcel is a cyber rapist.
> >
> > Dear Pat,
> >
> > Please do not send me any more of this ugly nonsense.
> >
> > thanks,
> > Philip

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