--- kerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This reminds me of a book I once read.  I'm not a
> conventionally religious
> person but I liked this thought:  The author talked
> about people telling you
> that it's "God's will" when something horrible
> happens. This is just not
> comforting and leaves us more confused than before. 
> He went on to say that
> maybe things just don't make sense and that God is
> grieving along with us.

I don't get that either - if it's God's will, then God
isn't a very nice person.  I figure if God was really
that omnipotent and controlling, he'd never let anyone
do anything bad.  Good people would never suffer. 
Some people say it's God's will and others get all
pissed off about it and blame God - as far as i'm
concerned, if God is responsible for this, then who
would want to believe in God (which makes the whole
idea of things being God's will or God's fault kind of
redundant.)  It's people that did this - evil people,
but merely people, apparently of their own free will.
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