In a message dated 17/09/01 02:44:51 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< god help me, sending incendiary political fodder to this tinder box of a 
 list, but i found the perspective in this article quite compelling and 
 important.  i've never done it before and i seriously question the wisdom of 
 doing it now,  >>

I too thought it was a compelling article.  I think it's really important 
that as many people as possible take on board that the Taliban are not 
synonymous with Afghans in general, and that there are good reasons why they 
got to power and have stayed there.

I believe very strongly that bombing Afghanistan would do no good at all, and 
this article adds to that belief.  I only hope that those who really need to 
get the message do so.


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