> <<Being relatively new to the list, I'd like to know why so many people
dislike it?>>

> Without going into too much detail Laurent, I'll say that I think she
allowed herself to get sucked in to some production that didn't bring out
the best in her songs. Some great songs got buried and lost in studio
> Also, the songs she co-wrote with Klein forced her to pair music to a
lyrical structure she was not used to. She comments in interviews that Klein
writes in much choppier word structure than she does, and some of the songs
feel that "force".
> But I don't throw out the dog with the bathwater. DED has some marvelous
moments, and some great songs that Joni recasts in an unplugged fashion on
other recordings which showcases their greatness.
> Bob
Hi Bob,
I agree with your technical analysis of why DED is not a favorite.
However I always felt that because the lyrics are particularly poignant,
this forceful upbeat mood was a pretty clever way to compensate for that.
In other words the music helped in swallowing the hard reality pill.

Out of DED, I've only heard The 3 Great Stimulants done unplugged, and  it
does feel quite different. Although the music style in DED is not my
personal favorite, I still think it serves its ultimate purpose well.  Thats
why I prefer the hard versions to mellower unplugged ones.  Just a personal


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