Sherelle and others who replied,
There is another . . . version of the song, "Hallelujah", that is 
from the soundtrack from recent animated film, "Shrek", and . . . it 
is by none other than Joni devotee, Rufus Wainwright, and so so 
gorgeously rendered.


At 3:00 AM -0400 9/17/01, JMDL Digest wrote:
>Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 21:22:23 EDT
>Subject: Jeff Buckley's music on VH1(NJC)
>Last night and today, I heard a very beautiful song sung by someone whose
>name I have heard referenced on the JMDL before. His name is Jeff Buckley,
>and the name of the song is "Hallelujah." It was absolutely touching and
>beautiful. There was no video that showed his face. What was shown was a
>series of scenes showing rescue workers, fireman and citizens showing love
>for each other. It was perfect. From hearing this song, I have concluded that
>I really like Jeff Buckley. Any fans of his out there?

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