Azeem wrote:

> And I fear that this hope is forlorn.  I have relations on my father's
> (ie Muslims) living in the USA, and one of them has told me of local
> centres receiving death threats.  Obviously I haven't heard any US talk
> shows, but I have been told that some of the views expressed have been of
> "all Muslims are evil" and "guilt by association" variety.  I know that
> is not how most people think, but numerically the people who hold such
> views add up to a big crowd...

There has been exhortation everywhere here since last Tuesday not to go out
and act this way.  Americans in general have a very deep guilt and shame
about how the American Japanese were treated here during WWII and I thought
that lesson was well ingrained into us.  I have a feeling that the ignorant
people who go out and do these things are the same ones who would be looking
for any excuse or chance for some thuggery anyway.  I really do not think
this will be a widespread thing here, Azeem, because we have so many
personal and work ties to each other here, and most Americans are proud and
supportive of each other, regardless of ethnic or religious background.
However, even one incident is one too many.  I have heard some of the people
who have been victimized by this interviewed on TV and the radio.  I have
been amazed at the tolerance and, in some cases, even good humor, displayed
by them.


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