Azeem, I don't watch talk shows but I have run into a few people like this
on another music list & they initially reacted with very violent words
agains all Muslim people...It was awful & shocking to hear such thinking
from people that I didn't expect to behave like this...I kept sending
information I was learning about Islam, about the Taliban, about Afghanistan
(as I was learning it myself) & got several supportive emails from people
thanking me for speaking against the anger & the ones who
were calling for revenge have fallen hope is that they initially
reacted in anger but have now broadened their takes
a lot of work...& its so important right now to speak out against racism &

"And I fear that this hope is forlorn.  I have relations on my father's side
(ie Muslims) living in the USA, and one of them has told me of local Muslim
centres receiving death threats.  Obviously I haven't heard any US talk
shows, but I have been told that some of the views expressed have been of
"all Muslims are evil" and "guilt by association" variety.  I know that this
is not how most people think, but numerically the people who hold such
views add up to a big crowd."

Kate Bennett
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