Last Tuesday was a horrible day in every sense of the word and like many
of you I grieve for the people of New York and Washington whose lives
were inexplicably changed in the matter of an hour.  To see America come
together and help each other out is inspiring and heartbreaking, because
we finally realize what we have and how fragile life as we know it is.   I
fear that the Muslim community will take much abuse and that their faith
and way of life will be lived in fear of retaliation by ignorant people,
but I am not going to say that I am surprised or shocked by this
backlash, because I am not.  I am not the most politically correct person
in the world and the open door policy of our government has been too
willing to let people into this country that intend to harm us.  The very
fact that family  members of Osama bin Laden own a condo in Boston is
enough to enfuriate me to no end. The fact that some of these hijackers
were allowed into our country, into our school systems, only to use this
against us is horrifying, yet it went on right under our noses.  Until
last Tuesday we all felt safe, dare I say invincible, to such types of
attacks yet in the course of an hour four planes were hijacked, and 6,000
people lost their lives. Is it fair to say that from this day forward I
will never be able to look at a young muslim man and not think that he
was sent here to kill me because I am American?   Maybe it is and maybe
it isn't, but that prejudice is now instilled in me and will never go
away.  These followers of bin Laden-the Al Qaeda-want to kill us, they
hate everything we stand for, everything our country stands for, and will
stop at nothing to do so.  They are not your typical ignorant terrorist
either. They outsmarted the American Intelligence Community which our tax
dollars support. Several posts said that CNN posted pictures from 1991,
but that is not the case. "In Nablus, on the West Bank, Palestinian
refugee camps in Lebanon, and in East Jerusalem hundreds openly
celebrated, shooting victory shots in the air and handing out candy (a
practice done by Palestinian terrorist groups when one of their own
succeeds in killing jews)". These are serious threats to our freedom, and
by ours I mean everyone in America whether they be black, white,
catholic, baptist, jewish, muslim, islamic, or from f*&%*&*ing Mars.  62
countries lost people last Tuesday, but in America we lost a sense of
safety that for the past fifty years has not been challenged.  There is a
faceless enemy that walks among us and unfortunately I can no longer be
objective about it, because I can't honestly say that I believe our
government can protect us from it. With this post I don't mean to
infuriate or scare people this is just the way I feel.  I feel as if I
woke up on Tuesday from a 27 year coma and realized that my trivial
problems, were just that.  I can't remember a time I ever really gave
thanks for what I have and that made me ashamed because I have been
afforded so much in my life. A good family, a good education, and of
course good taste in music, but also the reality that I live in a country
not torn apart by war and destruction which is why so many people do come
here.  America, land of the free, should be a place people seek solace,
but who those people are is going to have to come under scrutiny. I don't
post often, but reading the posts from this past week has been
therapeutic and knowing that no one that posts regularly to this list has
been harmed is nothing short of divine intervention. That is the reason
there is no njc tag because although I have never met any of you
personally you are all a part of my daily routine and bring me to a place
of normalacy which has become a fleeting notion.  


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