Azeem wrote:

> How can you tell if someone is a Muslim?  You might end up having
> to throw in Hindus as well, as from skin colouring and physiognomy it can
> impossible to distinguish, say, a Pakistani from an Indian.  This may look
> facetious, but I'm being totally serious.  We can all allow ourselves to
> to prejudice (and no, I'm not exempting myself from that) - the challenge
> to confront it in ourselves.  You say the prejudice will never go away.
> can go away, if you confront it, and don't allow it to take root.

There have been several instances here in New Zealand where people have been
harassed simply because of their appearance, or because they are wearing a
turban similar to Bin Laden.  Thankfully they are few and far between, but
it's still frustrating that there are these narrow-minded, not to mention
stupid people around.

On the other hand, there have been some incredibly moving tributes.  The US
Embassy has been besieged by bouquets of flowers, cards, etc.  The Fire
Stations throughout the country held a 3-minute silence at midday yesterday
in honour of their fallen comrades - I could see them from my window at
work.  I look directly over to the Auckland Central Fire Station, where the
NZ flag has been at half-mast since last week (as has the flag outside our

The Letters to the Editor in the NZ Herald are very moving as well - I've
seen letters from children as young as seven condemning the actions of the
terrorists, and offering their support to everyone in NYC and the USA.

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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