In the interest of broadening the perspective, here is an article from the NY Times on 
the whole 
Clear Channel list debacle:

As much as I think Clear Channel's practices singularly symbolize the trouble with the 
music biz 
today, it is unfair to completely blame the corporate office for one person's zeal:

"<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><FontFamily><param>Verdana</param>A Clear Channel 
spokeswoman emphasized that the list was not a mandate or 
order to radio programmers. In a statement, the company said the list came not 
from the corporate offices but from 'a grass-roots effort that was apparently 
circulated among program directors.'

"Others in the Clear Channel network, speaking on condition of anonymity, told a 
more complicated story. They said that a smaller list of questionable songs was 
originally generated by the corporate office, but an overzealous regional executive 
began contributing suggestions and circulating the list via e-mail, where it 
continued to grow. "<FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param><bigger>

</color><FontFamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>It would certainly be interesting to 
see what the original smaller list had on it.<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>

It's also f</color>unny that the spokeswoman classified it as "grass roots"...


n.p.: Starsailor - "Good Souls"

On 19 Sep 2001, at 10:41, Janene Otten wrote:

<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> I thinking out loud and writing it down. Hope 
y'all don't mind. I heard that

> most Clear Channel station DJ's are ignoring the request. Thank goodness for

> that. My company is now owned by Clear Channel and no matter how you slice

> it, one corporation owning over a thousand stations is NOT a good thing for

> radio. Even if one company owned 100 stations it would still be a drag. As

> soon as the words music and industry were paired we could no longer call

> music our own. 



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