I thinking out loud and writing it down. Hope y'all don't mind. I heard that
most Clear Channel station DJ's are ignoring the request. Thank goodness for
that. My company is now owned by Clear Channel and no matter how you slice
it, one corporation owning over a thousand stations is NOT a good thing for
radio. Even if one company owned 100 stations it would still be a drag. As
soon as the words music and industry were paired we could no longer call
music our own. 
I just looked up the meaning of grass roots in Webster's dictionary. 1.
Ordinary citizens esp. as contrasted with the leadership or elite 2. the
origin or basis of something
I thought it intersting that grass roots refers to ORDINARY CITIZENS and
also THE ORIGIN or BASIS. Perhaps some leaders would be wise to put that in
their pipes and smoke it. 
Peace, love & understanding,

np: Live - "V" 

Janene Otten
"I stood unwound beneath the skies
 And clouds unbound by laws.
 The cryin' rain like a trumpet sang
 And asked for no applause" - B. Dylan

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