Hi Kate,

I didn't see my full post back to you come up on the list for some reason.

> I see what you are saying- that the authorization may have come from the
> previous administration. Believe me, it doesn't matter to me which party
> authorized this at all. What is alarming to me is that 4 months ago our
> government sent $43 million to the Taliban. I welcome a less slanted
> of this information if anyone can point it out to me. However, reading
> Scheer's credentials they are not shabby. Then again you know I lean to
> left ;~)

I agree he is a brilliant writer.  It doesn't matter to me which party
authorized it, either.  What I objected to is the way he framed it as if
Bush was part of the Taliban itself and that such actions started with him.
We have been supporting them in one form or another for 22 years.  Where was
Scheer's outrage all those years?

> Well I truly don't know. I think there are many who are fanatics about the
> war on drugs. And IMO the whole war on drugs is idiotic through & through.
> Not because I condone drugs but because it is not the way to solve the
> problem.

It would have taken the majority of Congress to have authorized this.  I
don't think they are all fanatics. The only thing I can think of is that
they did this to get around official sanctions. We may never know the real
story, or at least not now.  If I find more infor, I'll send it to you. If
you look at opinion polls on the war on drugs, most Americans at this point
think it is ludicrous and a waste of resources.


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