Kakki, I just sent you the digest with your reply to me.

>>> What I objected to is the way he framed it as if Bush was part of the
Taliban itself and that such actions started with him. We have been
supporting them in one form or another for 22 years.  Where was Scheer's
outrage all those years?<<<

I didn't interpret it as if Bush was part of the Taliban but will go back &
see if I think it spins that way. As to your question as to where was his
outrage in the past I guess it wouldn't be hard to find that out by
researching what he has written in the past. Perhaps he should have included
more of the history of US support in his peice but I suspect he was just
focusing on this particular issue & I see nothing wrong with that.

>>>It would have taken the majority of Congress to have authorized this.  I
don't think they are all fanatics. The only thing I can think of is that
they did this to get around official sanctions. We may never know the real
story, or at least not now.  If I find more infor, I'll send it to you. If
you look at opinion polls on the war on drugs, most Americans at this point
think it is ludicrous and a waste of resources.<<<

No I don't think they are all fanatics either but the war on drugs has
certainly been given a lot of fanatical attention & money over the years &
its always seemed to be a loosing battle. You are right it may be difficult
right now to know the real story of what this money was for & where it went.
Glad to know the polls show that this is a waste of resources but this
doesn't help me to understand why we would send $43 million unless there
there is still a fanatic mood within our elected officials that we must
morally continue a war on drugs or as you suggest it may be for other

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