I've felt the need to take leave of another forum again! This time it's the 
Diabetic Gourmet's Diabetes 2 message board. Guys, it has to me! ( Again, I 
need sane people to vent to!)

For the most part, everyone up there is very nice, but there are a handful of 
people who, now that they have been diagnosed, eat, sleep, and exercise 
perfectly. They not only have no faults, they feel the need to be 
condescending and pious with us poor diabetics who do. 

I made the mistake of indirectly commenting on the post of someone who made 
the comment of how she saw this 300 pound woman ordering a double 
cheeseburger and it is no wonder everyone is coming down with diabetes. I 
made the comment that most of us were in the same boat before we were 
diagnosed, and probably would still be there if we had not been forced to 
change. I was then "indirectly" labeled a "troublemaker" and the person asked 
the rest of them to shun me by not responding to my post. That did hurt me as 
I needed that forum as much as anyone else. I just keep thinking about all 
the poor sods who are newly diagnosed that read some of these pious comments 
and run with their tails between their legs. I've seen several newbies run 
off because of a few of the regular's comments. (They are not the majority, 
but throw their weight around like they are)

At any rate, I apologized to the pious one I had offended (everyone deserves 
respect) and for the sake of the group, posted a final message bidding a 
permanent farewell to the forum. To seal the deal, I deleted the website from 
my favorites so that I would not go back.

Each time this happens, I appreciate everyone here all the more. I think that 
wisdom would dictate that I make this my "only" discussion group. There is 
something quite unique and special here that can't be found anywhere else, 
and I am very thankful for it.


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