..... you realise you've missed mentioning quite a few people in your 'fest
report, and decide that you'd better make amends, otherwise they may never
speak to you again.  Or they'll talk about you behind your back.

I'm STILL not going to mention everyone, because I didn't really get to talk
to everyone, but there were a few noticeable omissions:

Sue C - great to finally meet you at last, and share a laugh or seventeen
(read between the lines, baby!)
Bob Murphy - he's already reminded me that I forgot him the first time, so
he'll probably start pouting if I don't do it "officially".  Lovely to meet
you Mr. Murphy, you're a very nice man (snigger, snigger).  No honestly, he
is.  No, really!
Kay A - someone else I shared a few laughs with, which I hope you will
remember with a smile over the next few weeks (and your "skill" at handling
Pippin stills makes me giggle!)
Catherine M - someone I wanted to share a few laughs with, but never got the
chance - something we can rectify next year!
Chris M - another foreigner (like me) who I could make fun of the Yanks with
(we didn't really, honest!)
Patrick L - loved chatting with you, and again, I hope your memories of
Jonifest are bringing a smile to your face

There are probably still some people out there who are mortally offended
that I haven't mentioned them.  Look, just put it down to brain-cells
destroyed in my youth, and the inability (apparently) of remembering people
I met yesterday, let alone 3 weeks ago.

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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