Let's see, in this community of ours there are 800 or so.  This is pretty 
sobering, but....we are not immune folks.  Several of us will die in a car 
crash, several couples will divorce,  several of are children will drown, 
several of us will die of cancer, several of our lovers will say: SEE YA! I 
can't stand you any more, several of us will develop dementia, several of us 
will live out our lives bound in a wheelchair, several of us will die of 
Aids, several of us will commit sucicide, several of us will die of heart 
attacks, several of will develop MS, several of us will die in are sleep, 
complications of diabetes will kill several of us......on and on etc.. 

(several of us ALMOST died in the WTC attack)

What does the aforementioned have to do with any recent posts?  Nothing and 
everything.  Several people chided me after reading my last post thinking it 
was, for lack of a better word, too bombastic.  I had said in the post "we 
have to get them before they get us again....BLOW THEM UP!!!"  I don't want 
any innocent person to die in the upcoming war (I always wanted Santa Claus 
to be real too and for that matter the tooth fairy) but innocent people will 
die.  That is the way of the world and will be the way.... until the very 
end of this world as we know it.

Nothing more I would love would be UTOPIA here and now.  Ain't happening 
folks! NOT NOW!!

Thank God for JMDL
I hope you will all understand


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