I'm interested in purchasing 2 copies of Karen O'Brien's biography of Joni.
It's not available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble (yet?).  (One as a gift
for Simon.  I'd say I owe him at least that much, eh?!)

Does anyone know of a USA bookseller who specializes in books published in
the UK?  Or does anyone know of a UK bookseller who exports to us Colonials?

I never thought I'd come begging to Mother England.  hee hee


npimh: Our President when he thanked Prime Minister Blair for flying the
wide, cold Atlantic to stand with us in our grief.

Then President Bush, in his characteristic measured tones said, "America has
no greater friend than Great Britian," and the tv camera showed Tony Blair,
standing in the Capitol, in Washington, D.C., nodding confidently,
approvingly, and reassuringly.

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