I started a post a few days ago that relayed my experience with Marcel...then 
deleted it and sent the laundry list of people I'd like to have sex with 
since that was more fun and seemed more healthy.  Jimmy posted a call for 
Marcel and I think now I will say what my experience was that makes me feel 
the way I do.

There are many issues I agree with Marcel on.  I voted for Bush and said so 
on the list and lived with the badgering of some Bush haters for a few 
months.  Marcel was very active during that time posting articles and what 
not.  One day I posted something about no longer being Roman Catholic and he 
sent me a private post.  It said that I was stupid.  He had certain phrases 
in there like....'your choice reflects your limitations as a thinker'....'you 
obviously don't have a clue toward reality'....'you're probably a democrat 
which would explain everything'....and one i'll never forget...'that's the 
most rediculous thing anyone's ever said and you have no idea what you are 
talking about'

Well, I lived in a Roman Catholic monastary for three years and I think I do 
have some idea about what I was talking about.  The thing is, I didn't want 
to have that conversation with him.  He sent his post to me, and I replyed 
because I try to be nice to people and he'd dissect my replys line by line, 
and then attack my thoughts with passion and insult.  All along, I felt it 
was because he could not reconcile that we could agree on some issues of 
politics, but not of faith.  And therefore, he had to prove to me that I was 
wrong because he couldn't live with that tension of differing views.

I was left feeling that Marcel was intensly competitive and secretive.  The 
whole off list thing was weird.  It was fast.  I'd spend a day thinking about 
something and post him and with in three minutes, he'd dissect it and send it 
back with degrading commentary.  Finally, I just stopped all correspondance 
because he was unable to let me be.  Like who really gives a fuck where I go 
to church anyway?  And I was being forced to justify my choice, which I was 
not questioning.  I mean, what's the big deal.  Maybe I'm wrong and should be 
Catholic.  I don't know.  I just know i feel better where I am.  It's that 
simple for me.  But not for Marcel.

I saw at least 4 people all ask Marcel not to post to them off list.  I saw 
one person say that he would tear up their posts line by line and cut them 
down to shreads.  This!!!! was my exact experience.  And, I'm capable of 
defending my opinions pretty well.  I can just imagine that some people are 
not so quick to defend themselves and left feeling really really frightened.  
So I concluded that he had some weird edge going on that made him this dark 
modem figure.  Then Patrick L. labled it...cyber rapist.  

I still think that's the best phrase I've heard to describe what I 
experienced, regardless of what stigma that lable carries with it.  I was 
left feeling attacked.  I felt he was arrogant and forceful of his opinions 
and when I didn't accept them, he had to call me stupid to justify my 
differing views.  I've been on the list since '96 and I've never felt that 
way with any other lister.

I love the Catholic church, even though I don't go there.  And there are 
times in the last week when I thought...oh Marcel would have a field day with 
that post.  Especially over the flag stuff lately and the anti war stuff.  I 
know he would be totally at a loss over the attacks and would have presented 
a better counter to Ric's post and some others that to me, seemed to forget 
totally about the 6000 dead bodies burried in NYC and the continued threat we 
live with.  But at the same time, I experienced something with him that I've 
never experienced with any other lister and I can't explain it any better 
than that.  

Maybe his time off list is helpful for him to rethink how he approaches 
people and that his thoughts are not the only right ones.  I know many people 
have met him and love him.  And Jimmy is absolutely the sweetest man and his 
thoughts mean alot to me.  But at the same time, I know I saw something there 
that was definately troubling.  And I wish I didn't.  Really.  pat

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