Dear Pat -

Thank you for taking the time to explain what went on.  I just wanted you to
know that I am on digest so didn't see your message about Marcel until
today, so when I replied to what Jimmy said, I wasn't responding in any way
to what you had written.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that my post
seems very insensitive if read chronologically here in the digest after what
you wrote.

Anyway, I guess I kind of got a similar reply once from him to something I
posted.  It was a very long and well-reasoned reply explaining a completely
other view - very logical.   It felt too complicated to try to respond to to
all of his arguments - I'm really not very good at things like that - so I
just thanked him for trying to educate me, but that I was never going to
change - that I am a die-hard liberal, ex-Catholic, and that I disagreed
with practically everything he wrote, but that I thought we wanted the same
outcomes, just that we thought a different approach was needed to achieve
them.  He didn't reply, but I felt he had understood what I said - that I
could still like him even though I disagreed with him on just about all of
the political/religious things he feels very strongly about.  He didn't
carry on trying to convince me of anything.  That was my experience.

I think the word "cyber-rapist" is really quite mean.  Marcel doesn't see
himself like this at all.  I really believe that he had good intentions.  I
think on some level he is looking for connection and hoped to do that thru
posting privately.  Like maybe he felt his views were too extreme to post
publically - that it would be too difficult to deal with all the flames -
and maybe he thought the individuals to whom he posted privately were
intelligent enough to be convinced of what he sees as truth and "the way".
He was looking for friendship and understanding.  I don't think he's a bad


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