Can't fathom actually sitting at a table and visiting with someone of Joni's
caliber.  I read the various posts and hear of the brushes with fame and have
no such stories of my own to tell.  As a teenager my mother would force me to
attend every function that the youth of our local church held.  I was rather
the oddball and quite the disciple of Janis Joplin so you can imagine what was
going on and happening to me in a small, religious, sports based, town in the
Texas Panhandle.  I decided that if they thought I was wierd, then I would
show them just how wierd I could be.  Anyway, I was a junior in high school
and finally was beginning to find some kind of niche and had found the
forensics department and there, found some folks who were not the norm for the
area.  Was beginning to expand my mind a little.  Sadly, none of them belonged
to my church group and off my mother sent me on this church excursion to the
mountains of New Mexico.  Me, mutliple jocks and jockettes, the young preacher
who cared for no one except the jocks and jockettes, and the chauffeurs of the
trip, the mothers and fathers of the jocks and jockettes.  There I was, with
my Janis Joplin t-shirt on and my hair as wild as I could possibly make it
look, sitting in the back seat of this car.  Careening though the mountains at
break neck speed, I looked out the window and dreamed and wished that I was
not there, or did not exist at all.  Needless to say, it didn't matter, for
there was no one in the car that wanted to talk to me anyway and they didn't,
for the entire 4 hours it took to get there.
The second night we were there they loaded us up into the different cars and
took us to a small club.  It was apparently not the in season and the club
looked closed.  There was of course no alcohol going on as we filed in.  There
was a young man on the stage.  He had this huge book that looked like
something that one made in junior high with different colored papers in it and
hanging out of it.  Don't remember exactly how it was bound but in a strange
fashion.  He took up his guitar and sang songs for us, at times stopping and
looking up tunes in that book.  I, being the misfit that I was and not very
evolved and not wanting to hear anything that wasn't what I was used to,
didn't give him a chance and did not enjoy his music, that he "played real
good for free."  So full of my own angst with my life and the trip and them, I
don't think I even listened to half of it.  Anyway, an hour or so later, he
was finished.  We left.  The next week I was staying up late to watch the
Midnight Special on t.v. and they were scrolling through the folks who would
be on that night.  His, the guy, picture came up and they announced his name
"Michael Murphy".  I thought "that's him".  Soon after the song Wildfire was a
hit.  Never cared for it but really liked "what's forever for" that he did
years later.  This pales in comparison to the stories I have read here but is
my closest brush with celebrity.


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