This story is not about my *closest* brush with celebrity, but it is one I 
often think about -- given everything that happened shortly after I this 

I was at Bloomingdales in Manhattan during my lunch hour in 1992 or 1993. As 
I was leaving the store I happened to notice the familiar face of a former 
football hero, even though I'm not much of a sports fan. He was talking with 
a couple of women by the door and I never actually introduced myself to him 
or asked for an autograph or anything like that because in New York, like LA, 
that's just uncool. Anyway, the man was jaw-droppingly handsome, and oozed 
more charm and charisma than any person I've ever seen, as if golden lights 
were radiating from him. I guess that's why I wasn't too surprised when a 
jury acquitted him of the murder of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman a few years 

And the only time I was ever totally uncool around a celeb was when I 
happened to meet the road crew for a performer I love and they gave me 
backstage access to her concert on the Boston Common the following night. 
Bonnie Raitt couldn't have been more gracious as I slobbered all over her. 

In a way, I'm glad I wasn't at the Joni sighting last weekend because who 
knows what I would have done to embarrass myself.

Congratulations, Kakki and Stephen. And thanks for a great story.


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