I don't think I could hold a conversation with Joni; I'm sure I would be too 
tongue-tied. Maybe I could just nod and do hand gestures. But anyway, a 
friend and I did "run into" Joni in Wenatchee, WA during the 
Dylan/Mitchell/Morrison tour in 1998. We had gone to the Saturday show at the 
Gorge and stayed overnight in Wenatchee before heading back to Gorge for the 
Sunday show (of course we went to both shows!). That Sunday morning we 
stopped at a hotel for a late breakfast. As we were finishing, I saw a Big 
Brown Bus pull up in front of the main entrance, a bus I had seen the day 
before at the concert.  I knew it belonged to Bob, Van or Joni -- so I 
prayed, left my friend to pay the bill and RAN to the door. There I spied a 
woman who was obviously a nervous fan waiting for someone special to pass by. 
 Whose bus is this!? I asked her. It's Joni's!  I almost died right there. My 
friend joined the nervous fan and me, and just a few minutes later, there she 
came, right through the lobby and into the parking lot. She was wearing two 
hats and carrying a mesh bag full of bananas. I can't remember what she was 
wearing, other than the hats.  Apparently the nervous fan had arranged 
through someone in Joni's crew for Joni to stop and talk for a few minutes.  
We respectfully stood back and let the arranged conversation unfold (but 
remained within earshot of course). They exchanged a few words, Joni 
explained that she was coming down with a cold, and then she got on the bus.  
My friend and I jumped in our car (our feet barely touching the ground as we 
gleefully sailed through the parking lot) and then followed the bus across 
about 30 miles of brown desert while listening to Hejira.  That part was 


And here's an apology to whomever I offended a while back with my comment 
about Shawn Colvin, babies, gays, etc.  I didn't have to make my point that 

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